
Camacho let him pass

Local time on September 4 (time on September 4 in Beijing), Chinese male football coach
Camacho in Jordan Amman, the capital of the hotel within an interview with reporters.

Domestic press conference Spain language not much Camacho translation CHOW NGAI is no
suspense here with Camacho. CHOW NGAI in the Chinese team's first game without too much
busy on the pitch to help Camacho, Camacho let him pass to the venue only when opening a
few shouting out, then presence began play in person a rich gesture performances.

Before the interview begins, Camacho has found CHOW NGAI, communication with him for some
time alone, Camacho in the communication process has once again demonstrated their rich
body language, he continually making various gestures to express themselves can convey
information to the CHOW NGAI, time was originally closely around Camacho, the crowd had to
temporarily retreat, leave enough space to his hands.

From this detail can be seen, although still trust CHOW NGAI, but Camacho had begun
conscious communication to help CHOW NGAI improving translation quality, maybe Camacho is
also urgent wish and messaging between players can be much smoother, especially in
relation to field some of the technical and tactical issues.

Guo Bingyan said guozu will be an additional Spain language translation help Camacho, but
until this translation and the Jordan team after the game to work in Office. Camacho next
in this game, still hang their own person using gestures and command of fate.

However Camacho on this subject I'd look very optimistic, he said: "on the pitch command
gestures that are common in the world, I just wanted to let the players on the pitch
better aware of their position, especially in midfield and sidewalk".

